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Which schools use the Pre-Tests or 13+ exams for entry?

With so many different independent schools and so many different exams available, it can be difficult to know which exams your children will need to prepare for to gain entry to the senior school of their choice.

ISEB Common Pre-Tests

The ISEB Common Pre-Tests are online and adaptive and are taken when a pupil is in Years 6 or 7. The Pre-Test includes four tests in a multiple-choice format; English, mathematics, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning.

The ISEB Common Pre-Tests (2022-23):

  • May be taken together at the same time, or at separate times
  • May be taken in the pupils’ own school, at the senior school they are applying for, or at an independent invigilation centre
  • Provide a pupils’ results to all senior schools that they have applied to, which means the pupil only needs to sit the tests once
  • May be taken at any time during the Common Pre-Tests session (which runs from October – June in each academic year)
  • Offer full technical support to schools which use them
  • Are unique to ISEB and standardised for the independent sector
  • Provide the ISEB Test Walkthrough so pupils are able to experience the look and feel of the tests

Learn more about the ISEB Common Pre-Tests here.

Hodder Education's Pre-Test revision range has been specially created with pupils in mind. Our comprehensive revision guides, workbooks and practice papers have been designed to help pupils practise key skills, build confidence and hone technique so they feel fully prepared to do their best in the exams. 

ISEB CE 13+ exams
ISEB's CE assessment at 13+ is strongly supported by many of the top prep and independent senior schools in the UK and beyond. Covering a wide range of subjects, the specifications provide a clear academic focus for pupils in Years 7 and 8, and great preparation for GCSEs. Pupils sit the CE 13+  exams when they are in Year 8, and there are three examination sessions each year; in November, January and May/June.

All pupils sit three compulsory papers; English, mathematics and science, and they may be required to sit additional papers in a wide range of subjects including geography, history, classics, modern foreign languages, and theology, philosophy and religion.

Hodder Education have published a series of rigorous revision resources aligned to the latest ISEB CE 13+ specification for a range of subjects including English, mathematics, science, Latin and geography plus many more. The series includes a revision guide (also available as an eBook) and exam practice question and answer book for each subject to support pupils through their revision. Order online here.

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